Monday, March 19, 2012

I love eggs.  I've considered vegan diet (I'm vegetarian for more years than I want to discuss here), but when I think of no eggs and no cottage cheese, my heart droops in sadness.

I shop for foods carefully (and joyfully ;) and eggs are no exception.  I've always been suspicious of the eggs in my local Pricechopper however, even the ones that say "free range" and "organic".  Are the organic ones allowed to roam free and happy, pecking at the bugs and seeds?  Are the free range ones really allowed to?  How do they accomplish this and still turn out such massive numbers of eggs?? It turns out the grounds for my feelings are solid...and not free range.  Just like my suspicions regarding the blanket decision in the medical world that cholesterol is "bad".  Oh, yes, there's a good and a bad cholesterol, but high cholesterol guarantees a sorry fate, so one MUST just bring it down to live long and prosper.  Hahaha.  Not so, my friend.

I invite you, once again, to peruse today's article from number one cyberdoc, Dr. Mercola.  You decide, after educating yourself a wee bit, how you think and feel about the eggs you're putting in your cart and the cholesterol that's gliding through your lovely machinery right now.  I'll bet there's a change in view.

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